CAptain Tolley's Creeping Crack Cure | Yacht Equipment

Captain Tolley: CAptain Tolley's Creeping Crack Cure



Creeping Crack Cure is a unique penetrating sealant formulated to penetrate fine cracks, it sets to a clear flexible and waterproof seal.

For leaks from hairline craks, Creeping Crack Cure finds its way inside cracks by capillary action. For use with wood, glass, rubber, metals, perspex, ceramics, fibreglass, concrete, some plastics, polystyrene - anywhere around the home, boat or caravan.

Here are some of the many uses:
  • Boat - Leaking windows, portlights, decks, coachroofs, deck houses etc. Cracked planks, centreboards casings and around all deck fittings.
  • Caravan - Leaks around windows, metal and rubber trim and fittings; rivets, gullies and skylights.
  • Home - Roofs, slates, brickwork and concrete. Doors, window casements and frames; window putty and sills. Kitchen worktop joints. plug waste surrounds. shower trays, vases, fish tanks, crystal galss, ceramics and swimming pools.

Size: 60ml